
Promote sustainable development

Based on the principle of materiality of corporate sustainable development, the company conducts relevant assessments on important issues, and formulates relevant risk management policies as follows:

  Risk Assessment Program Risk Management Policy
Surroundings Environmental protection Formulate energy-saving and carbon-reduction control plans and plans
Society Safe and healthy workplace Regular employee health checks.
Regular implementation of occupational safety education and training courses to ensure a safe working environment for employees.
Carry out maintenance and declaration of fire safety equipment in accordance with regulations, and regularly hold fire safety drills to improve colleagues' disaster prevention concepts and disaster response capabilities.
Corporate governance
Law to follow Through the implementation of the internal control mechanism, it is ensured that colleagues actually abide by the relevant norms and regulatory requirements during operation.

Sustainable Development Implementation Status

Initiative Summary Explanation Differences Compared to TWSE/GTSM Sustainable Development Principles
I. Has the company established a governance structure for promoting sustainable development, and set up a dedicated ( or part-time ) unit for sustainable development, with the board authorizing senior management to handle related matters and overseeing the implementation? The company does not have a dedicated unit for this operation yet. Currently, the General Manager's Office, in collaboration with the Finance and Management Department, is responsible for executing sustainable development initiatives and promoting public welfare activities. A "Sustainable Development Best Practice Principles" has been established. In the future, we will comply with legal requirements and make adjustments based on the company's actual operations.
II. Does the company assess risks related to environmental, social, and corporate governance issues in connection with its operations based on the principle of materiality, and establish relevant risk management policies or strategies? The company's structure for overseeing, planning, and executing risk management includes the General Manager's Office, the Internal Audit Office, and various responsible departments. Each year, operational goals and directions for the next year are set, covering risk assessments of environmental, social, and corporate governance issues related to operations.
The company evaluates significant issues based on the principle of materiality for corporate social responsibility and establishes the following related risk management policies:
Significant Issue Risk Assessment Item Risk Management Policy
Environment Environmental Protection Establish energy-saving and carbon reduction control programs and plans
Social Safe and Healthy Workplace
  • Regular employee health check-ups
  • Regular occupational safety training courses to ensure a safe working environment
  • Conduct fire safety equipment inspections and reports as required, and regularly hold fire safety drills to enhance employees' disaster prevention awareness and emergency response capabilities
Corporate Governance Compliance with Socioeconomic Laws and Regulations, Strengthening Board Functions
  • Ensure all personnel comply with relevant laws through enhanced board operations and implementation of integrity management
  • Periodic communication between accountants, audit supervisors, and independent directors to strengthen corporate governance
No significant differences.
III. Environmental Issues
( a ) Has the company established an appropriate environmental management system based on its industry characteristics?

( a ) The company's internal control system, "Production Cycle," has established environmental safety and health operations within its regulations, following relevant laws and regulations such as the "Labor Safety and Health Act," "Water Pollution Control Act," "Air Pollution Control Act," and "Noise Control Act."
The company's production process involves cleaning processes. The cleaning agents used avoid the use of controlled substances specified by domestic or international regulations, such as ozone-depleting substances, replacing them with less toxic alternatives to reduce environmental impact and minimize the possibility of exposure to hazardous chemicals for operators. Additionally, all related domestic wastewater is transported to wastewater treatment plants through pipelines. The company conducts greenhouse gas inventories annually in accordance with ISO-14064-1 standards, and obtained a third-party verification statement for Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas inventories in January 2023.
No significant differences.
( b ) Is the company committed to improving energy efficiency and using renewable materials with low environmental impact? ( b ) The company integrates environmental protection, safety and health, energy conservation, and other related work, striving to improve the efficiency of resource utilization and reduce environmental impact. In terms of environmental safety and health, it aims to become a sustainable enterprise.

1. The company has set up resource recycling bins for waste sorting and has commissioned professional environmental companies for recycling. It also conducts periodic discussions with employees to promote social responsibility for resource recycling.
2. The company avoids the use of disposable tableware to minimize waste.
No significant differences.
( c ) Does the company assess the potential risks and opportunities of climate change on its current and future operations, and take relevant response measures? ( c ) Climate change has led to increased electricity, rain, ice, and water usage for cooling systems. In recent years, the company has been improving pipeline circulation efficiency and updating surrounding facilities to reduce risks associated with climate change. The company's greenhouse gas emissions during the production process are relatively low. Besides controlling temperatures through air conditioning, the company voluntarily discloses its carbon emissions status and evaluates its carbon management capabilities. No significant differences.
( d ) Has the company compiled the greenhouse gas emissions, water usage, and total waste weight for the past two years, and formulated policies for greenhouse gas reduction, water conservation, or other waste management? ( d ) In response to global climate change and the efficient use of resources, the company has developed a systematic approach to greenhouse gas emission inventories and registry establishment based on trends in greenhouse gas regulation by the International Organization for Standardization ( ISO ). This facilitates reference for effective reduction and improvement programs by management in the future.

The company has progressively implemented the establishment and verification of the greenhouse gas management system since 2022 to effectively manage greenhouse gas emission risks and further enhance its positive environmental image. The greenhouse gas emissions, water usage, and total waste weight for the 2023 and 2022 are as follows:

1. Greenhouse Gas Management:
The company's factory's greenhouse gas emissions for the past two years are as follows:
Item 2023 2022
Category Emission Source tCO2e % tCO2e %
One Diesel, Gasoline 19.1818 0.17 30.1323 0.30
Natural Gas 0.6432 0.01 0.4251 0.01
Refrigerant Leakage 234.1839 2.05 231.5508 2.34
Two Purchased Electricity 2,420.8584 21.20 2,180.1444 22.05
Three Land Transport 40.5239 0.35 60.9355 0.62
Sea Transport 38.5900 0.34 10.0448 0.10
Four Raw Material Consumption 8,667.7947 75.88 7,373.5825 74.58
Total 11,421.7759 100.00 9,886.8154 100.00

( 1 ) Direct greenhouse gas emissions ( Category One )include emissions from fuel for official vehicles, natural gas for employee dormitories, diesel generators, and equipment emitting refrigerants, with total direct emissions of approximately 254 and 262 metric tons of CO2e, accounting for about 2.22% and 2.65% of total emissions, respectively.
( 2 ) Indirect greenhouse gas emissions ( Categories two to four ) mainly come from purchased electricity, upstream and downstream transportation, and raw material consumption, with total indirect emissions of approximately 11,167 and 9,625 metric tons of CO2e, accounting for about 97.78% and 97.35% of total emissions, respectively.

2. Water Usage in the Past Two Years:
Item 2023 2022
Tap Water Usage 14,026 10,923
Unit: degrees

3. Total Waste Weight in the Past Two Years:
Item 2023 2022
General Waste 31 25
Unit: metric tons

To respond to the low-carbon environment, our company continues to promote energy-saving and carbon-reduction measures, including:
1. Energy management and greenhouse gas reduction: Purchasing environmentally friendly energy-saving equipment, using elevators in the factory only during shipments, using LED energy-saving lamps in office and factory ceiling panels, reducing solar radiation heat with sunshade curtains, turning off some public area lighting during lunch and after work, promoting habits of turning off lights and unplugging, office air conditioning set to a minimum temperature of 26 degrees Celsius before operation, installing solar lighting, promoting electronic processes towards paperless to reduce paper and carbon toner usage, and gradually replacing fuel vehicles with electric vehicles for company cars.

2. Water resource management:
( 1 ) Automatic sensor taps are installed in toilet washbasins to save water resources.
( 2 ) The factory has signed a contract with the Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs for the commissioned treatment of industrial wastewater. Process wastewater and domestic sewage generated by the factory are uniformly discharged to sewage treatment facilities. Regular sampling and testing are conducted by commissioned personnel to meet regulatory discharge standards, reducing direct environmental pollution.
Our company aims to achieve an average annual growth rate of greenhouse gas emissions of no more than 5% in the future as a target to mitigate the impact of climate change.
No significant differences.
IV. Social Issues
( a ) Has the company formulated relevant management policies and procedures in accordance with relevant laws and international human rights conventions?

( a ) The company handles employee rights and interests in accordance with labor laws and relevant regulations. It has established "work rules" and "human rights policies" to safeguard the legal rights and interests of employees, including:
1. Providing employees with labor insurance and national health insurance.
2. Offering group insurance for employees and conducting employee health check-ups.
3. Handling employee retirement in accordance with relevant regulations of the company's retirement system and the Labor Standards Act.
4. Establishing a labor welfare committee to organize various welfare activities to protect the legitimate rights and interests of employees.
Additionally, it adheres to the following principles based on international human rights conventions:
( 1 ) No gender-based discrimination in terms of salary, benefits, and promotion opportunities.
( 2 ) Prohibition of child labor and employment of minors.
There were no significant violations of human rights by the company in the 112th year.
No significant differences.
( b ) Has the company established and implemented reasonable employee welfare measures ( including salary, leave, and other benefits ), and appropriately reflected business performance or results in employee compensation? ( b ) The company's articles specify that if profitable, no less than 2% and no more than 10% should be allocated for employee remuneration annually. Additionally, the company has formulated the "Employee Compensation Management Regulations," which are implemented after approval by the Compensation Committee and the Board of Directors. The Compensation Committee regularly reviews policies, systems, and standards for director and executive performance evaluation and compensation.
The company has established performance appraisal and employee reward and punishment management methods to regulate compensation and performance evaluation. Apart from determining appropriate salaries based on employees' educational background, professional knowledge, skills, and years of experience, performance bonuses are also issued annually based on employee performance evaluations. Employee compensation is not influenced by factors such as gender, race, religion, marital status, or political stance.

The overall ratio of male to female employees in the company is approximately 5:5, with female employees holding approximately 5% of managerial positions. The company is committed to fostering an inclusive workplace and provides equal opportunities for promotion and career development.
No significant differences.
( c ) Does the company provide employees with a safe and healthy working environment and conduct regular safety and health education for employees? ( c ) The company provides a good working environment and emphasizes safety and health education for employees. Relevant practices include:
1. During new employee training, education and training on the work environment, safety regulations, etc., are provided to make new employees aware of potential hazards in the work environment. For existing employees, the factory has occupational safety and health personnel who regularly conduct occupational safety education and training courses to ensure a safe working environment for employees.
2. The factory conducts regular inspection and reporting of fire safety equipment in accordance with regulations, and regularly holds fire safety drills to enhance colleagues' awareness of disaster prevention and their ability to respond to disasters.
3. The company strictly controls access and assigns 24-hour security guards to implement regular security patrols to prevent unauthorized entry and ensure personal safety protection in various office areas and factories.
4. The factory area is kept clean, including: indoor shoes are changed throughout the factory, smoking is prohibited indoors, there is a staff canteen, and work clothes are sent for free laundering.
5. Regular inspections of factory machinery and equipment are conducted to ensure their proper operation. Relevant operators are required to wear earplugs, goggles, gloves, and steel-toed shoes to ensure work safety.

To prevent occupational accidents, safeguard the safety and health of workers, the execution of relevant measures is explained as follows:

1. Environmental monitoring and maintenance:
Item Frequency
CO2 concentration, lighting inspection, chemical substances in the entire factory area At least once every six months
Fire safety equipment inspection At least once a year
Air conditioning maintenance in the entire factory area At least once every six months
2. Employee health check-ups: Employee health check-ups are conducted every two years.

3. Education and training:
(1) In 2023, 196 employees participated in relevant occupational safety education and training, with a total training time of 640 hours, including internal and external education and training courses (general labor safety and health, fire safety and emergency first aid drills, occupational safety promotion, etc.).
(2) Disaster drills are conducted for all employees in the entire factory area.

IV. Occupational injury statistics:
In 2023, there were no cases of occupational diseases or deaths caused by occupational accidents. The company had 2 cases of occupational accidents, with injuries mainly being cuts and crush injuries. Immediate medical care was provided, and corrective measures were implemented through interviews with relevant personnel, such as raising awareness through promotion and training, to fulfill the commitment to workplace safety.

There were no fire incidents in 2023.
No significant differences.
( d ) Has the company established an effective career development training plan for employees? ( d ) The company attaches great importance to diversified training of various functional talents and provides professional functional and core management functional training through various training systems ( including new employee training, professional training, management training, environmental safety and health training, etc. ). The company has established "Education and Training Operation Procedures" as a guideline for employee training. In addition, training plans are planned every year based on employee positions, and employees can improve their professional and management capabilities through on-the-job training and internal and external training courses. No significant differences.
( e ) Regarding issues such as customer health and safety, customer privacy, marketing, and labeling of products and services, does the company comply with relevant laws and international standards, and has it established policies and procedures to protect consumer or customer rights? ( e ) The company implements the IATF quality system to ensure quality and environmental protection, and carries out labeling operations according to customer specifications to comply with relevant laws and international standards, among other regulations.
The company places importance on maintaining customer relationships and provides relevant procedures for handling customer complaints.

Emphasizing product quality and consumer rights, the company has established a written "Customer Complaint Handling Procedure" to promptly resolve and address customer complaints.

Customers who wish to express opinions or file complaints can do so through the "Stakeholders" on the company's website, and the company handles accepted cases in accordance with relevant regulations and procedures.
No significant differences.
( f ) Does the company have a supplier management policy that requires adherence to environmental, occupational health and safety, and labor rights standards, and how is it implemented? ( f ) The company maintains good interactive relationships with external suppliers and others, ensuring mutual trust and benefits, and upholding the reasonable rights and interests of both parties.

It has established a "Supplier Management Procedure" to ensure that suppliers meet the company's requirements for delivery, quality, and price, and that materials entering the company comply with national laws and regulations and the company's own safety and health requirements.
The company now requires suppliers to provide environmental-related certifications, terminating transactions with those unable to provide any such proof.
When purchasing raw materials, the factory regularly obtains external inspection reports, SDS safety data sheets, etc., from suppliers to confirm that their products do not contain heavy metals or harmful substances.

The company conducts its transactions with suppliers based on the principles of integrity and mutual benefit. Consequently, no clauses related to violating the implementation of sustainable development are included in contracts. In the future, consideration will be given to cooperating with suppliers to jointly promote the implementation of sustainable development initiatives at an appropriate time.
No significant differences.
V. Does the company adhere to international reporting standards or guidelines when creating sustainability reports or other non-financial disclosure reports? Has the previous report received confirmation or assurance from a third-party verification unit? The company has not yet prepared a sustainability report. As the company is not listed, it will consider preparing one in the future based on actual needs and legal requirements.