Corporate governance

Functional committee

Committee members

Name Audit Committee Remuneration Committee
Qianci Shen ( Independent Director ) V ( Chairman ) V
Mengyi Lin ( Independent Director ) V V
Jinhua Chen ( Independent Director ) V V ( Chairman )

The Audit Committee

I. The Audit Committee of the Company was established on November 30, 110, with 3 members in total

II. The annual work priorities and powers of the Audit Committee
1. The main purpose of the operation of the Audit Committee is to supervise the following matters:

  1. (1) Fair representation of the company's financial statements.
    (2) Selection ( dismissal ), independence and performance of certified accountants.
    (3) Effective implementation of the company's internal control.
    (4) The company follows relevant laws and regulations.
    (5) Management and control of existing or potential risks of the company.

2. The functions and powers of the Audit Committee are as follows:

  1. (1) Formulate or amend the internal control system in accordance with Article 14-1 of the Securities and Exchange Law.
    (2) Assessment of the effectiveness of the internal control system.
    (3) In accordance with Article 36-1 of the Securities and Exchange Act, formulate or amend the procedures for the acquisition or disposal of assets, dealing in derivatives, lending funds to others, or endorsing or providing guarantees for others.
    (4) Matters involving the directors' own interests.
    (5) Significant asset or derivative product transactions.
    (6) Significant capital loan, endorsement or guarantee.
    (7) Raising, issuing or private placement of equity securities.
    (8) Appointment, dismissal or remuneration of certified public accountants.
    (9) Appointment and removal of the head of finance, accounting or internal audit.
    (10) Annual financial report signed or stamped by the chairman of the board, manager and accounting supervisor and the second quarter financial report which must be verified and certified by an accountant.
    (11) Other major matters stipulated by the company or the competent authority.

III. The term of office of the current members : From May 10, 2024, to May 9, 2027, as of May 31, 2024, one meeting has been held. The attendance of the committee members is as follows:

Meeting situation Jinhua Chen Mengyi Lin Qianci Shen
Number of meetings 1 1 1
Attendance 1 1 1
Attendance rate 100% 100% 100%

The Audit Committee's average attendance rate for 2023 was 93.33%.


IV. Important Resolutions of the Audit Committee

Period Date Content Resolution Results Resolution results submitted to the board of directors for discussion
1st of the 1st 2022/01/25 All members of the Audit Committee agree to pass Approved by all directors present
2nd of the 1st 2022/02/11 All members of the Audit Committee agree to pass Approved by all directors present
3rd of the 1st 2022/03/11 All members of the Audit Committee agree to pass Approved by all directors present
4th of the 1st 2022/08/08 All members of the Audit Committee agree to pass Approved by all directors present
5th of the 1st 2022/11/23 All members of the Audit Committee agree to pass Approved by all directors present
6th of the 1st 2023/01/11 All members of the Audit Committee agree to pass Approved by all directors present
7th of the 1st 2023/02/20 All members of the Audit Committee agree to pass Approved by all directors present
8th of the 1st 2023/08/08 All members of the Audit Committee agree to pass Approved by all directors present
9th of the 1st 2023/10/04 All members of the Audit Committee agree to pass Approved by all directors present
10th of the 1st 2023/12/11 All members of the Audit Committee agree to pass Approved by all directors present
11th of the 1st 2024/02/21 All members of the Audit Committee agree to pass Approved by all directors present
12th of the 1st 2024/03/22 All members of the Audit Committee agree to pass Approved by all directors present

Remuneration Committee

I. The Remuneration Committee of the Company was established on December 29, 2021, with 3 members in total

II. The remuneration committee aims to assist the board of directors in evaluating the connection between the compensation levels of the company's directors and managers and the company's operating performance. By performing the following functions and powers, it submits recommendations to the board of directors for discussion and resolution, and it shall hold at least two meetings a year:

  1. (1) Regularly review the performance evaluation standards of directors and managers and the policies, systems, standards and structures of remuneration.
    (2) Regularly evaluate the achievement of performance objectives of directors and managers, and determine the content and amount of their individual salaries based on the evaluation results obtained from the performance evaluation standards.

III. According to the organization rules of the remuneration committee of the company, the members of the committee shall be appointed by the resolution of the board of directors, and the number of members shall not be less than three. Chairman of the meeting.

IV. The term of office of the current members: From May 22, 2024 to May 9, 2024, as of May 31, 2024, there have been 0 meetings held, with the attendance of the committee members as follows:

Meeting situation Jinhua Chen Mengyi Lin Qianci Shen
Number of meetings 0 0 0
Attendance 0 0 0
Attendance rate 100% 100% 100%

The average attendance rate of the Remuneration Committee for 2023 was 83.33%.


V. Important Resolutions of the Remuneration Committee

Period Date Content Resolution Results Resolution results submitted to the board of directors for discussion
1st of the 1st 2022/01/25 All members of the Remuneration Committee agree to pass Approved by all directors present
2nd of the 1st 2022/02/11 All members of the Remuneration Committee agree to pass Approved by all directors present
3rd of the 1st 2022/03/11 All members of the Remuneration Committee agree to pass Approved by all directors present
4th of the 1st 2022/11/23 All members of the Remuneration Committee agree to pass Approved by all directors present
5th of the 1st 2023/01/11 All members of the Remuneration Committee agree to pass Approved by all directors present
6th of the 1st 2023/02/20 All members of the Remuneration Committee agree to pass Approved by all directors present
7th of the 1st 2024/01/15 All members of the Remuneration Committee agree to pass Approved by all directors present
8th of the 1st 2024/02/21 All members of the Remuneration Committee agree to pass Approved by all directors present