
Human resources sustainable development

I. Human Rights Policy

In order to fulfill its corporate social responsibility and implement human rights protection, the company supports and abides by various international human rights conventions such as the "International Human Rights Code", "United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights", "United Nations Global Covenant", "International Labour Organization Convention", etc. Any violation or anti-human rights behavior, treat all colleagues with fairness and respect. This policy applies to TANDER and all operating locations around the world.

Strictly abide by the labor-related laws and regulations of each operating location, and formulate relevant human rights protection and labor policies and implement relevant measures.
Provide employees with a gender-equal and diverse work environment, adhere to the principles of openness and fairness, and do not discriminate based on individual age, gender, physical and mental disabilities, race, religion, political orientation or pregnant women. Eliminate all forms of forced labor, eliminate employment and employment discrimination, prohibit harassment, respect privacy rights, and strive to create a work environment with equal opportunities, dignity, safety, equality, and freedom from discrimination and harassment.

Comply with local minimum age laws and regulations and do not employ child labor. Tender's employment of employees is based on the priority of local residents, and treats every colleague fairly and equally. Differences in race, religion, nationality, gender, etc. will not affect qualifications or opportunities for appointment, reward, promotion, etc.

Provide employees with minimum wages and benefits that meet or exceed those required by local laws.
Assist employees in maintaining physical and mental health and work-life balance.

There are multiple and open communication channels and regular and irregular labor-management meetings to enhance two-way communication between labor and management to build consensus and promote harmony between labor and management.

II. Employee welfare measures

The company knows that "employees" are one of the company's most important assets. Only qualified personnel can contribute to the company, thereby improving performance and creating profits. Therefore, the Company continues to attract and retain talents through employee benefits and providing a quality working environment. Implementation situation:

Operating results sharing:
1. Employee remuneration: If there is a surplus in the annual settlement and make up for the losses of the past years, the employee remuneration ratio for the current year shall be formulated in accordance with the regulations of the company's articles of association, and shall be approved by the board of directors and submitted to the shareholders' meeting for recognition.
2. Annual bonus: allowances will be paid on Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and Lunar New Year depending on the company's operating conditions.
1. Participate in labor insurance, national health insurance and employee group insurance from the date of arrival.
2. Employees' vacation days and official holidays are handled in accordance with the Labor Standards Act.
3. The Employee Welfare Committee provides wedding funds, funeral subsidies, birthday gifts, emergency relief funds, hospital condolences for injuries and illnesses, and irregular group health activities and year-end party activities.
4. Provide a physical health check every two years to help colleagues understand their own health status.

III. Retirement System

The company follows the "Labor Pension Regulations" and determines the contribution system to use 6% of the total salary as pension on a monthly basis and save it in the labor pension personal account established by the Labor Insurance Bureau. Within the range of 6% of the total monthly salary, the pension is self-contributed to the individual retirement account.

IV. Employee Complaints and Grievance Management

The company encourages employees to report to supervisors, managers, internal audit supervisors or other appropriate personnel when they suspect or discover violations of laws and regulations or this code.
If employees have any opinions or complaints, they can submit relevant opinions to the personnel department of the company's website. For the cases accepted, the company handles all cases in accordance with relevant regulations and procedures.
In addition, there is a sexual harassment complaint hotline, fax and email, which can be appealed to the director of the factory affairs department.

V. Good and safe working environment

1. In order to ensure the safety of employees, the company has formulated occupational safety and health related management measures, set up occupational safety and health personnel, and regularly holds occupational safety lectures or education and training courses.
2. The factory area is equipped with a complete fire protection system, escape system and emergency lighting in accordance with the provisions of the fire protection laws and regulations, and conducts annual fire inspections and regularly maintains various equipment such as fire fighting appliances. ability.
3. A strict access control monitoring system is set up around the clock, and 24-hour security guards are deployed to implement regular security inspections to prevent illegal intrusions and ensure personal safety protection in office areas and factories.
4. The equipment used in the factory is also regularly maintained and inspected to ensure that the relevant equipment operates normally and meets safety standards; strengthen the operator's personal protection concept at any time and formulate protective gear instructions.
5. Establish an anti-epidemic mechanism and anti-epidemic materials to prevent the spread of infectious diseases and viruses. Regularly provide the latest international epidemic information and health education propaganda.

VI. Communication Channels

The company regularly holds "labor-management meetings" and "employee welfare committees" to provide a platform for exchange of views to communicate with employees, or to notify the company's operation-related information by e-mail from time to time. The right to express opinions. If there is any major company-related information that needs to be made known to colleagues, it will be explained in a timely manner through internal emails, communication software or meetings.

VII. Education and training measures

The Company and its affiliated companies have established "Education and Training Operational Procedures" as a guideline for employee training.
The parts currently under development are:
1. Pre-employment training: Let new employees understand the company's corporate culture, organizational rules, service rules, management system department introduction, salary and benefits, and basic professional skills.
2. On-the-job training: The training plan includes internal and external training according to the employee's position every year, such as symposiums of relevant professional organizations, regular manufacturer seminars, and external training fees for professional courses.

VIII. Implementation Status

The implementation status of the company's sustainable human resource development for the year 2023 is as follows:

Management Plan Implementation Status in 2023
Ensuring Equality in Employment Rights The company integrates human rights policies into internal control procedures, ensuring no discrimination based on gender or sexual orientation in hiring, employment, salary payments, training, welfare measures, retirement, severance, resignation, or dismissal.
Providing a Safe and Healthy Workplace 1. The company has established safety and health work regulations and has occupational safety personnel. Regular monitoring is conducted annually for fire safety, drinking water, lighting, and carbon dioxide concentration. An hour-long occupational safety training is held each year, and on-site health services identify workplace hazards ( including maternity health protection and prevention of workplace violence ). Annual assessments of overwork and ergonomic risks are conducted, with evaluations and management for high-risk cases. Health lectures and biannual health check-ups, exceeding regulatory requirements, are provided. A company-wide health check-up was held on September 23, 2023.
2. First-aid personnel and an emergency response team are in place to ensure a safe work environment. A smoke-free workplace is promoted, and the employee cafeteria provides safe and healthy food. Various activities are organized periodically to support employees' physical and mental well-being.
3. The company has a self-firefighting team and plans drills to ensure effective emergency response, reporting to Yunlin County Fire Department, and compliance with training by the China Productivity Center.
4. An environmental safety office, led by the general manager, conducts monthly safety inspections. Reports on occupational incidents are submitted to the Ministry of Labor. If there are recommendations for improvement, the safety inspection team reviews and implements them. The company had two occupational incidents by the end of 2023, accounting for 1.3% of total employees, which is significantly lower than the industry average. Continuous improvements and proactive measures are taken to ensure a safe and healthy work environment.
Providing a Friendly Workplace Environment 1. The company does not coerce or force anyone into labor. Regulations regarding daily, weekly working hours, overtime, leave, special leave, and other types of leave comply with legal standards, with management overseeing and controlling work hours.
2. Employee rights and benefits are prioritized, with efforts to develop a friendly workplace environment ensuring equal pay and promotion opportunities regardless of gender. In 2022, the male and female full-time employee ratio was 48% and 52%, respectively, with management positions held by 72% men and 28% women.
3. The company fosters a mother-friendly workplace. Pregnant employees are exempt from night shifts. Maternity leave, prenatal check-up leave, paternity leave, and family care leave are provided. A lactation room with complete facilities ensures that female employees can balance work and family life. The company supports gender equality policies, promoting social and economic development.
4. Employees can apply for parental leave without pay until their children are three years old, as per the "Gender Equality in Employment Act" and "Parental Leave Without Pay Management Measures." Upon the end of parental leave, the company assists with returning to the same unit and position, providing necessary training to ensure a smooth transition back to work. In addition to statutory leave, a childbirth congratulatory bonus of NT$1,600 is given.
5. To enhance employee benefits, various subsidies are provided (for marriage, childbirth, children's education, retirement, funeral expenses), along with birthday gifts, holiday gifts/bonuses, employee trips, and group insurance.
Promoting Labor-Management Harmony The company holds quarterly labor-management meetings to address labor rights issues. An employee feedback mailbox ( ) facilitates communication and protects employee rights. There were no employee complaints in 2023.
Preventing Violation of Personal Rights The company has established the "Personal Data Protection Measures," assigning appropriate personnel and resources to maintain and manage personal data files. The Finance and Administration Department regularly conducts training on personal data protection laws to enhance employee awareness.

The company continues to focus on human rights protection, conducting related training to raise awareness and reduce the risk of violations.